
A step by step guide to using oracle’s impdp datapump over NETWORK LINK
by a novice non linux user

OK there are plenty of web results for how to use impdp but none of them singularly gave a good end to end description of the process.

Some background
My project have been piggybacking on another project’s DB for testing, and now want to move on to their own.
So we needed to copy all common data from the other project’s DB.

Having set up a shiny new oracle install (installing oracle 10.2 xe on suse) here’s what I had to do.

This post has moved to:

Kevin and I are currently working with another partner in setting up a new website…

We’ll give more details when its ready to go.

Some of the tech highlights:

We’ve migrated from acegi securit to spring security (pretty straightforward)

Carrying on with our hibernate model

Extending our previous architecture to be more lightweight and more OO-centric – use of worker and helper classes to decouple.

Use of XML to communicate between layers.

Was given a linux server (SUSE 10.3) in work (Dell PowerEdge300SC 512MB RAM) and asked to install Oracle 10.2 XE (oracle-xe-
Here’s a list of some of the problems and solutions I encountered:

P1. Need to be root to perform the install.

P2. Now that you’ve changed user you may not be able to find where you downloaded everything!

P3. Some dependencies may not be present for the install to go ahead – i had the following issue
“Failed dependencies:
libaio >= 0.3.96 is needed by oracle-xe-

P4. insufficient swapsize (Machine’s was set to 1019, needed 1024, so close but yet so far)
This system does not meet the minimum requirements for swap space. Based on the amount of physical memory available on the system, Oracle Database 10g Express Edition requires 1024 MB of swap space. This system has 1019 MB of swap space. Configure more swap space on the system and retry the installation.
error: %pre(oracle-xe- scriplet failed, exit status 1
error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping oracle-xe-

This post has moved to Installing Oracle 10.2 Express Edition (SuSe 10.3) at

Tomorrow we’re making a delivery to Dermot, probably our last before the end of the project. The functionality is nearly all there, hopefully we’ll get some final feedback from him to put finishing touches to everything.

We decided last week to do an overhaul of the design, and started with moving the link bar to a horizontal position above the content, rather than vertical beside, freeing up valuable screen “real estate”.

We also changed the colour schemes, quite easily thanks to our use of a single CSS file from early on 🙂
Screenshot here:

Screenshot of shop front

I’m a movie star
Well, not quite, but we’ve put a short video of me on the front page to try to get Dermot interested in putting a short introductory video on the front page of the site. Basic stuff, introducing each section and his company/services. Just to stand out.. At a later stage, help videos for each section could be introduced!

A few small nightmares over the last two days, in our haste to synchronize builds ready for deploying to Dermot tomorrow (now rescheduled by Dermot to Tuesday!) our build got slightly broken and skewed. Got it back up and running this morning, just some of my flex components hadn’t been updated correctly. Sigh of relief.

Slightly more worrying is the rattling noise coming from Kevin’s PC, it has also refused to switch on a few times. So we’ve backed everything up from it (including his blog, now available right next door here on wordpress.) and plan for him to move development to his laptop. Could be its just a fan needing replacement but we’re not going to take any risks so close to May 2nd!

Back on track, I’m carrying on finishing the policy PDF document, he’s carrying on with CMS testing 🙂


Some colours and shading and more content on the pdf…

Personal details masked with —‘s for privacy

Productive Day Today

Implemented a workaround today to fix what was stopping my retrieved form fields from being populated. The problem was that their destinations had not been created yet, so I created a temporary variable for each field to be stored in the meanwhile.

After that I started working on the PDF creating servlet, the results of which can be seen in the previous post. Just more fields and “chrome” to be added to that.

A link to the first pdf i’ve created in the webapp.

A bit to go to decorate it more and add the rest of the fields, but the name fields are generated dynamically!

Policy PDF

Continuing with acegi session integration

Have been carrying on working with the acegi integration, a logged on user will now have their quote associated with their user id, while an unregistered user will be registered.

Spent most of today working on a form field handler, to persist and retrieve saved form entries per user.

The persisting is working on both sides, while currently the retrieval is just working server side. Just need to get flex to populate the fields from the returned xml/jsp.

Meeting with Howard 25th March

We met with Howard yesterday, mainly discussing progress on the two components wespent most of last week on, the acegi session integration on my part, and the document up/down-loading on Kevin’s.

Apache Cactus:

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